Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Paleo challenge - March 30, 2010

- 3 scrambled free-range eggs w/ green chili sauce
- 1 crown steamed broccoli
- small grilled pork chop
- CaMgZn x 2
- fish oil x 5
- cup of coffee, black

Lunch (Cool River Cafe)
- Beef tenderloin salad; very good tenderloin on top of mixed greens, a tomato, and some cheese. Vinegar & oil dressing.

- iced tea

- grass-fed yak cutlet (yes, yak, and no it didn't make me yak)
- one each grilled zucchini and yellow squash
- seven strawberries
- ice water
- Fish oil x 5
- CaMgZn x 2

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