Monday, March 15, 2010

Paleo challenge - March 14, 2010

- leftover baked chicken
- leftover steamed broccoli
- fish oil x 5
- CaMgZn x 2
- 1 cup coffee; black

Lots of heavy lifting for a few hours prior to start of Crossfit Sectionals; moving barbells, bumper plates, kettlebells, etc..


- leftover chicken breast
- leftover steamed broccoli

- 6-7 strawberries

More heavy lifting after lunch in support of final event and takedown of Sectionals.

After-Sectionals Celebration @ Chuy's
- about 3/4 of a beef/chicken fajita platter for two. Ate only beef, chicken, the veggies, and several bites of beans
- 1 margarita
- lots of water

- 2 baked chicken breasts
- steamed broccoli
- CaMgZn x 2
- fish oil x 5
- ice water

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