Monday, March 22, 2010

Paleo challenge - March 22, 2010

- leftover grilled pork chop with green sauce (jalapeno pepper & tomatillo)
- three scrambled eggs w/ same green sauce
- 1 grilled zucchini
- CaMgZn x 2
- fish oil x 5
- 1 cup coffee; black

Lunch (Bone Daddy's)
- That #7 Club Salad again. Smoked ham and turkey in typical salad fixins. Left off the croutons and fried onions. Vinegar & oil dressing.
- several glasses ice water

Pre-workout munch 
- several pieces of beef jerky
- ~4 oz. fresh blueberries

Post-workout munch
- remaining ~2 oz. blueberries

- two salmon burgers
- mustard greens sauteed in bacon fat, then steamed for ~5 mins and served with the crisped bacon (not a heck of a lot of flavor, but mustard greens are pretty good for ya.
- CaMgZn x 2
- fish oil x 5
- ice water

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