Tuesday, August 24, 2010

10-month Crossfit anniversary

Today marks my 10-month "anniversary" of starting Crossfit. When I started, I was wearing size 42 jeans that had probably been stretched out to more like 43-44. I weighed ~240lbs, a very high percentage of which was fat. I was weak, had poor endurance, and was pretty down on myself because of where I had let my health go.

Today, I am comfortably in size 34 jeans. I weigh 198 lbs. (according to my cheap scale at home), and my body composition is much more muscle now than fat. I am much stronger, have better endurance, and feel totally rejuvenated -- both physically and spiritually. I feel ready for whatever may come at me next, whether it's the set of stairs that used to leave me gasping or 21-15-9 of thrusters and pullups.

This journey is far from over. In fact, it's just getting started. This time though, I have my weightlifting shoes on and am ready for it.


Unknown said...

Super proud of you! Wish I was there from the beginning

Mark E. Wallace said...


Thanks, Rebecca!! You may not have been there from the start, but I sure am glad you're there now!!

Jon said...

Mark, thanks for posting. It's very encouraging to read about your progress.

I am about to complete my second month of CF after being unfit for over 10 years. My weight hasn't changed much, but my strength, endurance, and body composition have improved. I look forward to reaching the 10-month mark you've hit.


Mark E. Wallace said...

Thanks for the comment, Jon, and congrats on your fitness changes over the last two months. Keep it up!!

Read my One Year Testimonial if you get a chance. Grab a cup of coffee first though. :-)


- Mark