Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Crossfit week of ups & downs

An exciting and frustrating week it was. This week I got into size 36 jeans for the first time in decades, got my first-ever kipping pullup, got my first-ever deadhang chinup (note: I'm really saying "first-ever as an adult"), and for the first time did a very tough workout Rx'd (12 DL @ 225, 40 WB @ 20lb, 9 DL, 30 WB, 6 DL, 20 WB, 3 DL, 10 WB).

Unfortunately, I then went out and injured myself at yesterday's free workout, which was fairly routine, non-technical, and should have been pretty risk-free. Somehow, while coming up out of a basic air squat, I managed to tweak something in my right knee and/or hamstring. I don't think it's a severe injury, but the leg's mobility is pretty limited today, and I'm sure it's going to need at least a few days of rest.

This is the same knee that had the blown MCL 3-4 years ago. I don't think there's any ligament damage this time, so I'm not too worried. Rest, ice, elevation. Maybe some ibuprofen to help manage the swelling.

I hate injuries.

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