Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not after it for aesthetics, buuuuuuuuut....

Today I needed to go the post office to send in the funds that I raised for Fight Gone Bad V.

At one point, I needed to discard some trash, which meant briefly stepping through the middle of the long line waiting to get to the service desk.

I jokingly looked at the people towards the back of the line and said, "I'm just going to cut in line right here. Is that all right with y'all?" Of course, I was kidding; just trying to brighten the mood of these people having to stand in line.

Imagine my surprise when the lady closest to me looked at me, put a big smile on her face, and said, "I'm definitely okay with that. You're pretty cute."

Another "Thank you" to Crossfit and a healthy diet. I can't even kinda remember the last time that anybody said out loud that they thought I was cute.


1 comment:

Bryan said...

Well, you know... I didn't think it was "appropriate" for me to tell you, so I've kept my mouth shut.