What's bog fishing? Well, many of the lakes up in that area are surrounded by thick layers of bog material. I'm not sure what exactly composes the bogs, but suffice to say that it has to be plenty thick and sturdy to support my big body. Anyhow...to fish these bogs, one needs some way to distribute body weight on the bog in order to avoid plunging straight through it. The trick? Snowshoes!
The snowshoe fishing is something that our guide, Gary Corsi, has introduced into the Michigan Upper Peninsula region and taught us this past Friday. We had a great time out on the bog but unfortunately caught very few fish despite Gary's stereotypical story of having caught several dozen fish there only a week earlier. In his defense, the nights have been cold in the UP lately, and so the fish have been pretty sluggish. I ended up catching the most fish, which was only two pretty average largemouth, one of which is shown here. This was the bigger of the two, but the other wasn't much smaller.

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